The second field visit within the Specialised Programme ”Management of Regional Development through EU funds“

The second field visit within the fourth cycle of the Programme ”Management of Regional Development through EU funds“ took place on Saturday, 5th May 2018.
The Programme participants visited the Gerontology Centre Subotica, i.e. they were welcomed by Dr Nenad Ivanišević, Director of the Gerontology Centre at premises of the Gerontology Club “Kertvaroš”. The project team members of the institution presented their experience in the preparation and implementation of a number of EU funded projects, which the Gerontology Centre implemented successfully in the past years. The projects were funded under the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia and Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia.
After the warm welcome and presentation, the participants visited the famous and restored Subotica Synagogue. The restoration of the Synagogue started in 2012. The funding for the external facade was provided by the City of Subotica, the provincial government and the national government, whereas, the Hungarian Government allocated € 1.6 million for the interior decoration.
The Subotica Synagogue is the second largest one in Europe. The restored synagogue is planned to be a venue for cultural events. It will be visited by tourists, whereas the Jewish Community will organize encounters to mark festive days and at prayer times and it will hold a permanent exhibition there. The synagogue will be managed by the City of Subotica, the Jewish Community and the Hungarian National Council.