A strong renewed regional policy for all regions post 2020

The need to preserve and develop the role of cohesion policy as EU’s major investment tool was the key message of a conference “The contribution of Europe’s regions to managing our future” organized by the region of Lower Austria and hosted by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) on 28th September 2016.
The Declaration “A STRONG RENEWED REGIONAL POLICY FOR ALL REGIONS POST 2020”, signed by 337 political representatives of 188 regions from 22 Member States, among which is the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina as the only region from a candidate country for EU membership, and five interregional organizations was later handed to CoR’s President Markku Markkula, EU Commissioner Corina Crețu, Ambassador Peter Javorcik on behalf of the Slovakian EU Presidency and Iskra Mihaylova, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee for Regional Development during a ceremony at the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria.
Launched by Lower-Austria, it was a Europe-wide bottom-up regional initiative on highest political level aiming at the prolongation of regional funding for all regions and the preservation of an own EU-policy for regions post 2020.
Further information: http://cor.europa.eu/en/news/Pages/post_2020_lower_austria.aspx