(Српски) Одржана обука „Могућности финансирања путем ЕУ фондова“ у Сомбору23.12.2024.Baner-home, Training - Funding opportunities from the EU HOME Baner-home Sorry, this entry is only available in Српски and Srpski. Повезане вести Participation in the project meeting and study visit within the GREENSMEs project13.02.2025. (Српски) Одржана обука „Могућности финансирања путем ЕУ фондова“ у Општини Рума03.02.2025. The continuation of the education on the topic of Microplastics – sampling, analysis, and instrumentation17.01.2025.
The continuation of the education on the topic of Microplastics – sampling, analysis, and instrumentation17.01.2025.