

Tour Held in Kikinda

The Tour of the Office for European Affairs has been held at Kikinda Municipality. The target group was town and neighbouring municipality leaders, as well as members of the Municipal Department for EU Funds. Special attention was paid to the…

Round Table to Mark World Health Day

A round table has been held at the Office for European Affairs in order to mark the World Health Day, at which development initiatives and plans in the field of health in the province have been discussed, especially in the…

“Open Doors“ dedicated to European Funds

It has become a tradition that on Fridays the Office for European Affairs organises “Open Doors“, an event dedicated to providing information on project writing, by means of which it is possible to apply for EU funds, to interested institutions…

At Grammar School in Bečej on European Union

Yesterday lectures on the following topic: “EU – CBC Programmes, Current Projects“, with special attention paid to education, were held at the grammar school in Bečej. The event was organised by the Office for European Affairs and the hosts. The…

Presentation of Vojvodina in Berlin

It is in the organisation of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy that provincial institutions are presenting the touristic potential of Vojvodina at one of the largest tourism fairs these days. Apart from the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, among the other…

Presentation on Višegrad Fund

In 2000 four countries, today EU Member States, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary formed the international organization, Višegrad Fund, seated in Bratislava. The purpose of the Fund is promotion of development and cooperation between member states and cooperation…