About the fund
Fund “European Affairs” of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
By the provincial assembly’s decision on the establishment of the “European Affairs” Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (“Official Gazette of AP Vojvodina”, No. 13/2009 and 2/2010), the “European Affairs” Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was established and designated as the legal successor of the Office for European affairs of the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina. The fund was created for the purpose of monitoring, studying and implementing European integration processes and building and strengthening the institutional capacities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, with the aim of faster inclusion of the Republic of Serbia in the main European political and economic trends, and achieving economic, scientific, educational and cultural cooperation with European cities. and regions and their institutions.
The main activities of the Fund are professional work related to:
- Coordination of the activities of provincial institutions in the processes of European integration;
- Activities related to the use of European structural and development funds, as well as EU technical assistance programs;
- Coordination with the activities of the Ministry for European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
- Cooperation with local self-government bodies and other organizations, bodies and institutions dealing with issues of European integration;
- Cooperation with international and European bodies and institutions;
- Education in the field of European integration;
- Cooperation with scientific institutions and faculties in the fields that are the subject of the Fund’s activities;
- Promotion of common European values and ideas in the media, as well as through the holding of seminars, round tables, forums and lectures.
The strategic priorities of the Fund in the following period are:
- Creation of joint projects with regional and other European partners, regarding the use of EU pre-accession funds;
- Cooperation with key European and international institutions;
- Promoting European values.
- Provincial Assembly Decision on the Establishment of the “European Affairs” Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (“Official Gazette of AP Vojvodina”, no. 13/2009 and 2/2010)
- Statute of the “European Affairs” Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
- Decision on the code of conduct in provincial bodies
- Rulebook on the internal whistle-blowing procedure
- Work informant
- Plan of measures to eliminate or alleviate the unequal representation of the sexes
- Data on the number of employees and employed persons in the Fund “European jobs” AP Vojvodina
Report on the implementationof the plan of measures forgender equality in 2023