

Days of Vojvodina in Paris

Novi Sad, 29October – The President of the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić, MA, is in visit to France, where the economic potentials of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina will be presented within the event “Days…

Children’s visit to the educational centre

Novi Sad, 18 October – The protégés of the orphanage “SOS Dečje selo“ from Sremska Kamenica will test the facilities at the educational center, which has been established within the Office for European Affairs. A group of schoolchildren are going…

Rural development – Vojvodina’s chance

Brussels, Belgium, 11 October – Predrag Novikov visited the European Commission, where a conference on new EU Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 was held. Local competitiveness, equipment modernization and quality control were set as main goals, whilst rural development was given…

Rural development – Vojvodina’s chance

Brussels, Belgium, 11 October – Predrag Novikov visited the European Commission, where a conference on new EU Rural Development Policy 2007-2013 was held. Local competitiveness, equipment modernization and quality control were set as main goals, whilst rural development was given…

Vojvodina, a reliable partner

Brussels, Belgium, 10 October – During his stay at the European Week of Regions and Cities, OPEN DAYS 2007, Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs, attended a workshop on EU territorial cooperation at the European Parliament, where…

Vojvodina opens its doors to foreign investors

Brussels, Belgium, 10 October– The representatives of the Office for European Affairs have visited the Veneto Region’s Brussels Representation Office. The Director of the Representation Office, Gianlorenzo Martini underlined the importance of South East Europe, and especially of the Autonomous…