Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region (AGRINNO)

Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region (AGRINNO)

Source of funding Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020
Project partners 1.    Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Serbia
2.    Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia
3.    European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
4.    Csongrád Megye Fejlesztéséért Nonprofit Kft, Hungary
Area of intervention Improving innovation through the cooperation of SMEs and research institutions involving young people
Project start 01. Apr 2018 – 30. Nov 2019
Project description Main objective:
To enhance an innovative approach to agro-business and educate the population in rural settlements in order to exploit the arable land in their backyardsSpecific objectives:

  1. To promote a new model of agro-business and introduce new technologies for greenhouse production;
  2. To support the unemployed living in rural settlements in the cross-border region in order to establish a more productive and more economical production of vegetables on their own gardens;
  3. To cultivate plant crops ecologically in an open space and in greenhouses;
  4. To increase knowledge and acquire necessary skills for agricultural production.

Expected results:

  1. Installed greenhouse at the four different sites (agricultural schools in Futog, Ruma, Vršac and Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops);
  2. Three incubators established and equipped in secondary agricultural schools;
  3. Capacity building of target groups in the entire production process;
  4. Awareness raising of stakeholders and target groups through the organization of events related to the topic.

Main activities:

  1. Purchase and setting up of four greenhouses;
  2. Training of the personnel of agricultural schools – how to use innovative greenhouses;
  3. Establishment and equipping of 3 incubators;
  4. Signing a memorandum on cooperation between amont the established incubators;
  5. Launch of a call for membership in incubators and selection of members;
  6. Workshop at experimental fields;
  7. Workshop in Hungary (example of good practice for Serbian  participants);
  8. Seminar “Growing plants in backyards”;
  9. Seminar “Food processing and marketing”;
  10. Round tables for experts;
  11. Conference “Innovative approach in agriculture”;
  12. A stand at the Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad.

Target groups:

Unemployed people in rural areas with a focus on young persons, existing agricultural producers, agricultural school personnel, other agricultural schools, organizations in agriculture and food processing, families.

Further information

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