(Српски) Почетак пројекта “Унапређење модернизације, зелених иновација и транзиције МСП ка одрживости путем транснационалне сарадње, праксе и алата – GREENSMES”
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Српски and Srpski.
Antenna Desk Creative Europe organized a three-day seminar “Creative Europe: Preparation of projects in the new budget period 2021-2027” in…
The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina in partnership with the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), the Regional…
The project Mosquito control in the cross-border area 2 (MOS-Kros 2) was financed within the Intereg IPA cross-border cooperation program…
In order to develop French-Serbian cooperation in the matter of sustainable cities, as well as to present the project “Ecooperation”,…