Continuation of successful cooperation between AP Vojvodina and Styria in Brussels

Head of the Vojvodina European Office, Srđan Mačkić, held a meeting with a new director of the representative office of Austrian region Styria in Brussels, Mr. Erich Korzinek. Mr. Korzniek has officially started working as director of the representative officer in Brussels in july of this year. As he said, he was on similar position before, but in past six years he serviced different public and public sector funicions. His involvement in the preparation of the multiannual financial framework for the envisaged period, working for the Austrian Federal Government, was particularly highlighted.

During the meeting, the interlocutors referred to the good cooperation between AP Vojvodina and Styria in various fields so far, emphasizing the necessity for its creation in the coming period. In that sense, a good basis for improving relations is the current commitment of the Government of Styria to intensify cooperation with the countries and regions of the Western Balkans, which was formalized through a document entitled “Westbalkanschwerpunkt des Landes Steiermark”.

In the coming period, Styria wants to expand close cooperation with those regions where there is mutual interest and the possibility to attract additional funds through various EU programs and projects. As special priorities for cooperation with partners from the Republic of Serbia, AP Vojvodina, the Government of Styria has identified the following areas: education, science and research, culture and art, then the economy, as well as joint participation in EU projects.

Mr. Korcinek expressed readiness for active cooperation between the two missions in Brussels in the coming period, as well as for joint work on connecting different entities from Styria and AP Vojvodina in accordance with the proposed priorities.