Brussels: Cooperation with VOKA, the largest Flander’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The representatives of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels organised a meeting at the headquarters of VOKA, Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, for Jovan Vujčić PhD, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, who was on a business trip in Belgium last week. The hosts on behalf of VOKA were Geert Moerman, Director General and his associates.
The main topic of the meeting in the Belgian city of Ghent was concretization of the cooperation with the Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and related to it, the steps to prepare the text of the agreement of understanding between the two chambers of commerce were agreed. Moreover, an agreement was made join efforts in promoting the following International Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, i.e. to consider opportunities for joint projects in agriculture. The representatives of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels hope to increase the number of agriculturalists of Flanders and Walloonia, i.e. Belgium, as a result of previous work on linking with the chambers of commerce in the Kingdom of Belgium.
“VOKA is the largest organisation of this type in Flanders, gathering ca. 18,000 Flemish businessmen and has over 300-year-long tradition. We are very satisfied because after a year of intensive communication, both with the representatives of VOKA and of the government of Flanders, we have come to the position to discuss the signing of the agreement of understanding between the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce and Industry and VOKA“, said Srđan Mačkić, Head of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels.
After signing of the Agreement of Understanding between the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Walloon Union of Companies in October 2018, the Agreement with the Flemish VOKA would be another comprehensive agreement aimed at enhancing the economic cooperation between AP Vojvodina and the regions of the Kingdom of Belgium.