Vojvodina opens its doors to foreign investors

Brussels, Belgium, 10 October– The representatives of the Office for European Affairs have visited the Veneto Region’s Brussels Representation Office. The Director of the Representation Office, Gianlorenzo Martini underlined the importance of South East Europe, and especially of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in development plans of the prosperous region, currently having over 450,000 small- and medium-sized enterprises. Martini reminded of the significance of the Chamber of Commerce of Veneto, which opened a representation office in Zrenjanin. Predrag Novikov expressed his gratitude to the Government of Veneto on the support for the Europeisation of our country, within which the representatives of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina received training in Brussels. During the discussion, both parties agreed on the importance of establishing business relations between our regions. Novikov also conveyed the invitation of the President of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Bojan Pajtić, MA, to Italian investors, and the assurance about fierce determination of Vojvodina’s administration to give institutional support to foreign investment inflows. In the course of the discussion, the issue of commencing work on signing the protocol on cooperation between the two regions was also raised.

The matter of foreign investment inflow was also addressed during the visit to the House of Dutch Provinces, comprised of Groningen, Gelderland, Utrecht, Limburg, etc. Rob van Eijkeren, Co-ordinator of the House of Dutch Provinces, supported the creation of common projects on flood prevention and waterway management, in which the Netherlands has worldwide acknowledged expertise.