The second joint project team meeting within the “Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region – AGRINNO” project

As part of regular activities within the “Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in cross-border region – AGRINNO” project, co-financed under the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme Hungary-Serbia, the second project team meeting was held in Novi Sad. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and the female representatives of Csongrád Megye Fejlesztéséért Nonprofit Kft.
The goal of the meeting was to make a timetable of activities for the following period focusing on the organization of the round table in Szeged and one-day event at the Institute when a greenhouse would be presented along with a plan of vegetable growing in it. Given that the two seminars were planned in the project, the project team members discussed the potential dates and their content.