Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas

In order to present the “Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas“ project, there was a press conference in Szentes (Hungary) on 20th September, which was organized by the District Water Directorate ATI-VIZIG from Szeged. The project, funded under the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme, resulted from the cooperation between the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine” and ATI-VIZIG from Szeged.

ATI-VIZIG, as the only cross-border partner on the eWAM project, presented the project objectives and activities that would be implemented in the County of Csongrád. After the conference the project partners visited the Kurca channel that was to be cleaned from silt and excess of vegetation in the length of 2893 m.