EU opened calls for proposal for EUR 6.5 million

Another “Open Doors” has been held at the Office for European Affairs. This time the focus was on the calls for proposals open until March. To serve as a reminder, the program of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia, through the financial support of IPA Funds 2007 and 2008, has invited calls for project proposals “Strengthening Serbia-EU Civil Society Dialogue” and “Regional Socio-economic Development (RSEDP2)”.

“The priority of the first call for proposals is support to the civil sector, and applicants may be civil society organisations; NGOs; professional organisations; trade unions; cultural, artistic clubs and associations, etc. I would especially like to point out that some institutions in the sector, currently being funded through the budget, may use the opportunity and provide a part of their funding through the funds of the European Union. The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 3.5 million, and a grant per project may fall between EUR 50,000-150,000. The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 1 March, whereas participation is 10%. The other fund is aimed at employment, and applicants may be municipalities with local and regional partners. This time, as far as the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is concerned, the call for proposals is open for municipalities of Banat. A grant per project may fall between EUR 300,000-500,000. It is necessary that at least 3 municipalities come together and create a programme which would contribute to the opening of new workplaces on their territories. The deadline for the submission of project proposals is 8 March. I believe that it is of great importance for our province to use the opportunity in times of economic challenges and support the opening of new workplaces by means of quality projects as a form our country’s economic development”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs. The first “Open Doors” held this year was attended by the representatives of the Communication Development Fund, High School of Electrical Engineering“Mihajlo Pupin”, Citizens’ Association “Danubius”, Citizens’ Association “Greps”, Novi Sad School of Journalism, Development Agency of Kula Municipality, Society of Vrdnik Inhabitants “Vidovdan”, public utility company for district heating “Novosadska toplana”, NGO “Development Project Groups” of Rumenka, Citizens’ Association “Panonski most”, etc.