Training in development of European projects in Inđija completed

The second part of the training sessions under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds” has been completed in the building of Inđija Municipality. In the second part of the training, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Tijana Krstić and Jovana Kanazir held workshops focusing on project budget development in accordance with the principles of the European Union, and evaluation and selection of project proposals. During the training, the attendees could consult additionally the team of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina specialised in projects. After the competition of the training, the representatives of municipal institutions and public enterprises in Inđija were awarded certificates by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The main goal of the training was to provide participants with knowledge and skills necessary for taking a more active role in the use of EU pre-accession funds to be able to develop project proposals on their own.