The end of the project “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas”

The project under the title “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas”, which resulted from the partnership between the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Public Water Managem

The project under the title “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas”, which resulted from the partnership between the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine“ Novi Sad and Water Directorate “ATI-VIZIG” from Szeged, ended on 31st July 2014. The project, worth EUR 598.624, was co-financed by the European Union under the Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and lasted from 1st February 2013. In order to present the end of the project, a conference was held in Szeged on 9th July, where all project partners presented the results. Within the project, 6123 meters of the Jegrička, from Zmajevo to Sirig, was cleared from sludge and excessive vegetation, while in Hungary 2893 meters of the Kurca channel was dredged. The works improved the flow and quality of the water in both watercourses, which contributed to creating conditions for flood defence and preservation of the flora and fauna. Thus, the inhabitants of Temerin, Sirig and Zmajevo, as well as hunting associations, fishermen, hikers, swimmers and tourist agencies have a healthier environment and cleaner water in the Park of Nature “Jegrička”.