A training course for employees of the South-Bačka District to develop EU projects

At the request of South-Bačka administrative district, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held a three-day training course under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“ in order

At the request of South-Bačka administrative district, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina has held a three-day training course under the title “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“ in order to present the topic of project funding to the employees of municipalities in South-Bačka District who have recognized such a type of funding as an opportunity to improve the work of their municipalities and institutions.

During the training, the participants could obtain information about the structure and manner of application under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) 2014-2020, with special focus on the CBC Programmes available to institutions of AP Vojvodina. Moreover, the Community Programmes to be available to applicants from Serbia in the following budget period were also presented. The theoretic part of the training was followed by practical tasks involving group work, when the participants could develop their project ideas related to tourist offer development, improvement of women entrepreneurship and product certification and branding, in cooperation with the lecturers. The presentation involved the tools for project idea development, such as the problem tree and objective tree, logical framework and grouping of activities into working packages. Furthermore, based on a practical example, the necessary steps and procedures related to project proposal budgeting required by the EU were presented.