Initiative for organizing the International Conference on Natural Channel Systems in Vojvodina in 2009

Organized by the Office for European Affairs, and in the presence of the Vice-president of Assembly of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Siniša Lazić a meeting was held with the representatives of the Tourist Organization of Serbia, Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine” and other associations with reference to the prospects and opportunities which may arise in the event the International Conference on Natural Channel Systems was held in our country in 2009. ”Vojvodina has tremendous water potential. Based on our partnership with European regions, we have received an invitation to present our potentials at the International Conference on Natural Channel Systems in Canada this September. If this important conference was held in our country next year, it would be a good opportunity to present our capacities, to attract foreign investments and to renew resources. We expect that this would also contribute to our region’s overall economic development”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs.

Vice-president Lazić indicated that the length of the canal network in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina exceeds 600 kilometers, and that it provides a good basis for the development of nautical tourism and transport, which has not been used adequately. “The organization of this important event could enable a great number of representatives of relevant institutions and private sector to visit Vojvodina. I am sure that the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has seized the opportunity to present its economic capacities, with a special emphasis on historic heritage. Moreover, the modernization of Bečej, Mali Stapar, Klek and Bezdan watersheds is a high priority”, added Lazić.