Interview with Predrag Novikov, published in the daily Magyar Szó on 27 February

Adoption of European values

Predrag Novikov: Vojvodina will become a member of a cross-border cooperation programme this year

The Office for European Affairs was established by the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina in April 2006. The task of the Office is to consolidate and steer the activities of provincial institutions in the European integration processes and to promote common European values and ideas.

have talked to the director of the Office for European Affairs, Predrag Novikov.

What does the work of the Office for European Affairs consist of?-We have regular contacts with a lot of European regions and they are realised with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Republic of Serbia and embassies. The closest cooperation we have established with European countries is with Italy, Sweden and Austria. I have to point out that we also have great cooperation with the President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Egeresi Sándor, who has contributed a lot to Vojvodina’s establishing closer cooperation with Germany, Slovenia and Croatia.

What does this cooperation with different countries and regions look like?-Sweden has supported us by sending a large humanitarian aid delivery for the benefit of persons with disabilities and by facilitating elementary schools with computers. The support exceeds €50,000 and it will enable the equipping of computer cabinets and running of English and computer courses in Irig, Indjija, Titel, Budisava and Novi Sad. As far Italian regions are concerned, we frequently receive visits from Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and they have been regular visitors of the Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad since several years ago. Furthermore, we have good contacts with Umbria, Sicily and Tuscany. In addition, we realised training for farmers from Vojvodina, who were able to develop their project ideas in Italy. Based on the Agreement on Cooperation, signed between Austria and the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina and worth €5 million, it was possible to start with the implementation of projects on intuitional building in the province, primarily through the programmes on training of administration employees.

What are your activities in the country?-We organise different seminars, lectures, round tables on European integration processes and challenges on our way towards the EU. The Office for European Affairs has started a tour to promote participation in cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes. So far seminars have been held, among others, in Kovačica, Bečej, Zrenjanin, Senta and Subotica. We also organised a Conference on CBC Programmes, on the basis of our previous experience with Hungary-Serbia CBC Programme, and the project aimed at their further development with reference to Serbia’s other neighbouring countries. As far as the programme awaiting us in 2009 is concerned, AP Vojvodina will be included in the CBC programmes with Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.