The Floating Divan Info Day of the Foundation 2021

The Sector for International Cooperation of the Foundation “Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture” organized an info day called “Floating Divan” at the Cultural Center of Novi Sad on 18th October 2017 to present international calls for funding cultural projects, with a view of examples of best practice in Europe and cooperation in the Danube region.

The opening remarks were given by Vuk Radulović, Head of the Sector for International Cooperation of the Foundation “Novi Sad 2021”, who presented the ongoing and planned activities aimed at the internationalization of the local cultural scene. “Today’s ‘Floating divan’ is an excellent opportunity to present successful examples from the Danube Region and international calls for funding cultural projects. This is just a small step towards building the capacities of the Foundation and our city and achieving a common goal – to take the title of the European Capital of Culture proudly and in the best light in 2021”, said Radulović.

The event was also supported by the Antenna of Creative Europe Culture Desk Serbia, and Mina Radmilović Pjevac, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, presented the new call within the Creative Europe aimed at European cooperation projects. Given that 2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the specificities of that category were also highlighted.

Márton Méhes, Cultural Manager, and Dubravka Lazić, Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, presented the DTP INTERREG platform for cultural projects, explaining the importance of the cohesion policy and transnational cooperation. Méhes said that Novi Sad had potential to become a center for international cooperation in culture, pointing out that 2018 would be the Year of Cultural Heritage, which would also be the focus of Novi Sad as the European Capital of Culture in that year.

Paul Gessl, Director of NÖKU Holding in Sent Polten, Austria, gave a presentation “Coordination of the activities of cultural institutions”, indicating the key segments of the working structure and guidelines for the internal coordination of the activities of cultural institutions, as an example of best practice in Europe.

Sophie Deuer, Project Manager at “EuroVienna”, talked about capacity building and project management in cultural institutions and presented the tools for finding funding opportunities in the EU funds of the Danube Region countries.