Italian partners to the most vulnerable in Sombor

Sombor, 9 January – Within the cooperation framework between the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Italian Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the Provincial Secretariat of Economy, the Office for European Affairs and the Italian Development Agency Informest organized a charitable activity, whereby New Year parcels were presented to the most vulnerable families.

The humanitarian aid was given to the youngest patients in the children’s ward of the health centre “Dr Radivoj Simonović”, whereas at the social center, the parcels were given to the children from neighboring places: Bezdan, Doroslovo, Stapar and Stanišić.

The Provincial Secretary of Economy, Siniša Lazić thanked Informest and the Italian companies, who supported the project and said on this occasion that the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has close cooperation with Italian strategic partners.

The Director of the Office for European Affairs, Predrag Novikov indicated that Sombor is one of the most active municipalities in the program realization within the use of EU IPA Funds. He emphasized that six projects were realized in the past period which value exceeds €600,000.