The Office for European Affairs organized a round table to mark the European Day Against Human Trafficking

“18th October is the European Day Against Human Trafficking, a day of fight against one great evil. According to Europol data, the institution most concerned about this issue at EU level, and US State Departmant’s estimate, Serbia has been characterized as a high-risk country, in which the number of people becoming victims of modern slavery is increasing. Therefore, it is our task to raise the awareness of the general public and relevant institutions about the importance of combating this serious problem. The country’s task is to improve relevant legal regulations and provide stronger support to institutions dealing with this issue, primarily the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia. In our today’s meeting, we have discussed specific actions with the representatives of Ministry of Interior, provincial institutions and others”, said Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs.

The participants in the round table were the representatives of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia, OSCE, Provincial Secretariat for Social Policy and Demography, Victimology Society of Serbia, Counseling Against Family Violence, Gender Equality Institute, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Astra and Atina

