Our EU project awarded within the Euro-region Danube-Kris-Moris-Tisa

“The complex water management development of the area of the Baja-Bezdan Canal – BABECA” project has been awarded.

During the session of the Assembly of Euro-region “Danube-Kris-Moris-Tisa” in Novi Kneževac, the best Euro-region projects were awarded. One of the four awarded projects was ours “The complex water management development of the area of the Baja-Bezdan Canal – BABECA”, which is co-financed by the EU under Interreg IPA CBC Programme Hungary–Serbia.

The partnership of project is composed of the Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate (Hungary), PWMC “Vode Vojvodine (Serbia) and European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, (Serbia).

The awards were presented by Igor Mirović, President of the Provincial Government, who emphasized that the CBC projects played a great role for local communities in Vojvodina, based on which, considerable funds had been obtained to improve the living standard in small communities. President Mirović underlined that the cooperation within the DKMT Euro-region was a successful one and that it was reflected in joint infrastructure projects, equality, and mutual solidarity.

“The goal of this Euro-region in the future will be, on the one hand, to decrease the difference in economic development and quality of life, and on the other hand, to preserve the specificities which are our treasure”, said Mirović.