Continuation of the cooperation between the Government of AP Vojvodina and European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina

The European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina has continued its successful cooperation with the provincial secretariats. Following a successful Info session held in November and consequential attendees’ grea

The European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina has continued its successful cooperation with the provincial secretariats. Following a successful Info session held in November and consequential attendees’ great interest in additional education on the topic of project development in the field of culture and media that could be EU funded, another session in a series of training courses was held at the invitation of the Provincial Secretariat for Culture and Public Information. The title of the course was “Prospects of Financing through EU Funds“ and it aimed at institutional capacity building of the members of the provincial administration. In addition, the representatives of institutions of culture and media being the indirect beneficiaries of the Provincial Secretariat were able to obtain detailed information about the procedure for project development that could receive EU funds. The training had a clearly defined goal in the form of analysis and development of possible project ideas that could be submitted as applications for EU funds in the following period. In the workshops, the topics covered involved digitalization of archive material, inclusion of marginalized social groups into cultural events and cooperation between the media and theatre arts in the work with the youth.

The attendees obtained detailed information on the structure of the forthcoming Community programmes aimed at culture and media in the following EU budget period 2014-2010 called “Creative Europe” and “Europe for Citizens”, with reference to IPA and CBC programmes that would be available to beneficiaries in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. In interactive workshops and lectures, the attendees developed specific skills and knowledge necessary for project development on their own in compliance with EU regulations, and at the same time, their project ideas with the assistance of the European Affairs Fund’s representatives. The knowledge gained should serve to establish quality partnerships and projects in order to develop and promote cultural and media contents in Vojvodina.