Continuation of cooperation with Lower Austria in Brussels

At the Liaison Office of Lower Austrian in Brussels, a meeting was held between Ilse Penders-Stadlmann, Director and the representatives of AP Vojvodina on 24 May 2017. The relations between the representative offices of the two regions in Brussels so far had been based on institutional cooperation in the field of EU policies, especially through the European Committee of the Regions. Srđan Mačkić, Head of the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels expressed the interest of our province for further institutional cooperation, so that the administration of AP Vojvodina could further contribute to the European integration of the Republic of Serbia, especially at the level of regional policies.

AP Vojvodina and Lower Austria have not formalized their cooperation yet by signing an interregional co-operation agreement, which certainly does not prevent the two regions from intensifying the cooperation in different fields. Accordingly, during the meeting, cooperation in different EU projects was discussed, and the projects in which the regions could participate jointly were to be determined in the coming period.

Lower Austria has recorded an enviable economic growth in the previous years, as the result of the economic strategy the region adopted a few years ago. Moreover, this strategy has been recognized throughout Europe and awarded by different European institutions. The meeting touched upon the details of the strategy, as well as the transfer of knowledge and experience in order to improve the economic situation in AP Vojvodina, on which the two administrations will be working in the future. In addition, the host of the meeting presented the newly established European Institute which will be operating in the framework of the Danube University in Krems.


Ilse Penders-Stadlmann invited the representatives of AP Vojvodina to one of the most important events of the year in Lower Austria, the Wachau Economic Forum, which will be held on 10 and 11 June 2017, and at which the delegation of Serbia will be led by Ivica Dačić, Prime Minister in the Technical Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs.