Presentation of Vojvodina in Berlin

It is in the organisation of the Provincial Secretariat for Economy that provincial institutions are presenting the touristic potential of Vojvodina at one of the largest tourism fairs these days. Apart from the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, among the other participants are the Office for European Affairs, Tourist Organisation of Vojvodina, Tourist Organisation of Sremski Karlovci, travel agencies of the province, Tourist Organisation of Serbia, Tourist Organisation of Belgrade and others.

Predrag Novikov, Director of the Office for European Affairs, pointed out at a presentation attended by a number of people that “the Danube, Tisa and existing canal network are some of the key resources of our province and therefore closely connected to tourism development in Vojvodina. For that reason, we have presented our plans on the construction of a network of marines and ports. Moreover, it has been confirmed that the restocking of hunting and fishing is most important. It is known that Vojvodina has about ten hunting-grounds and it is our wish to increase our profit through this type of tourist offer as well. The offer also includes spa tourism or so called health tourism, where we have placed special stress on the potential of thermal springs in our spas. In addition, the wealth of languages, culture and good wine is certainly something that few European regions, excluding Vojvodina, have. That is why it is important to present these qualities too: granges, rural tourism, national parks, Fruška Gora with its monasteries several centuries old, together with music festivals, such as Exit, and jazz players. We will have an exceptional touristic offer, which supported by European funds, can certainly become an important economic resource and impetus for employment growth and attract new investment, not only to large cities, but also to small places in need of such support“.