The first set of youth trainings on the topic of caring for the elderly in rural areas was held in Letenka

Within the project "Healthy aging in the cross-border area - HEAL" - 
funded by the European Union as part of the IPA program of cross-border 
cooperation Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 - 2020 - training on the 
topic of care for the elderly was held in Letenka.
The training in Letenca brought together 30 participants and 4 educators 
who had the opportunity to learn the skills of providing assistance to 
elderly fellow citizens in cross-border areas. This training was the 
first of four scheduled in the first series of trainings. It consisted of 
a theoretical and practical part where the participants were trained how 
to measure sugar, blood pressure and how to provide first aid to the elderly.
One of the main goals of the project is the development of new standardized 
health-preventive services for senior citizens in rural areas. 
It is also planned to activate local mobile teams that will provide 
these services, as well as to implement a public educational 
campaign on preserving public health, such as the training we attended.
Danijel Tučić, Secretary General of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 
addressed the audience, saying that the goal of this project is to strengthen 
the social and economic situation of the elderly and infirm in rural areas.
"The HEAL project is a bright point of hope for the elderly citizens 
of these regions, promising them a better and healthier future as we enter 
an era in which more and more people will enjoy the golden years of life,
" Tucic said.
"The goal of the project is to bring older people closer to 
young people and the way they think, so that when they return to 
their environment, they can act and react correctly in certain situations," 
insisted Jelena Milić, expert associate of the Red Cross of Vojvodina.
Dejan Rešetar, PR of the project, also addressed the audience, 
saying that the value of the invested funds was 254,447.78 euros, 
of which 216,280.61 euros were provided by the European Union 
from the IPA cross-border cooperation program.
"As for the project itself, expectations are quite high 
because it is a project that consists of 
two components - social inclusion and economic inclusion," said Rešetar.
The HEAL project will be implemented in 12 municipalities and cantons 
in the cross-border region, of which in 7 municipalities in 
the Republic of Serbia (Irig, Šid, Ruma, Inđija, 
Sremska Mitrovica, Pećinci, Stara Pazova) 
and in 5 cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 
(Tuzlan, Posavina, Central Bosnia, Zenica-Doboj and Sarajevo Cantons). 
The HEAL project will last until July 31, 2024.