New opportunities for cooperation with the region of Central Macedonia

Based on a joint initiative, the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality, in cooperation with the representatives of the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, organized an official visit of the delegation of AP Vojvodina to the governor of Central Macedonia. The Provincial Secretary for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality, Mr Miroslav Vasin presented AP Vojvodina saying that it occupied 26-27 per cent of the territory of Serbia, its population was approximately 2 million people comprised of 27 ethnic groups in 45 municipalities. Given that the region of Central Macedonia was similar to Vojvodina, there was mutual understanding of the existing space for strengthening inter-regional cooperation and economic relations between the regions, as well as joint preparation for EU funded projects.

Vasin said that there were a lot of opportunities for cooperation between the two regions and added that Vojvodina’s agriculture, as well as food and beverage industries were highly developed. Governor Tzitzikostas expressed great interest in joining efforts to utilize Vojvodina’s tourism potentials and signing a protocol on cooperation to define further the areas of common interest. Led by Secretary Miroslav Vasin, the delegation of AP Vojvodina consisted of members of the Provincial Secretary for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality, as well as representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Development Fund of AP Vojvodina.