New projects of cooperation between the Office for European Affairs and Swedish partners

The Office for European Affairs and its Swedish partners have presented the new programme initiatives. Representatives of Vojvodina municipalities, where computer literacy and foreign languages courses have already been organised, addressed the journalists at the press conference. Over the past years, a number of activities has been realised between the schools from our province and Sweden, among which; international students exchange, teachers and students visit to Sweden. Moreover, computer cabinets where computer lessons are being held, have been equipped and the prospect of enlarging has been announced together with cooperation with some new municipalities, via the project that will be financed with 150.000 € on behalf of the Olof Palme Center. The cooperation between the School of Agriculture from Sombor and similar institutions from Sweden, has been based on the support for horsemanship, since Swedish people are highly praised in that field around Europe. Principal cause of today’s press conference is holding of Educational summer camp in Sombor from August 21 to August 28, 2009, in partnership with the Red Cross Sombor. Seminars on numerous subjects for students and teachers from Vojvodina’s municipalities and guests from Sweden will be held during the mentioned Educational summer camp.