Visit to the Jegrička watercourse where the works on dredging have been finished

Within the framework of the project ’’Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas’’ ref. No. HUSRB/1203/121/237 co-financed by the EU under the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Coopeartion

Within the framework of the project ’’Environmentally friendly water management in plain areas’’ ref. No. HUSRB/1203/121/237 co-financed by the EU under the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Coopeartion Programme, the eWAM project team members of the Public Water Management Company “Vode Vojvodine” Novi Sad, “European Affairs Fund” AP Vojvodina and ATI-VIZIG from Hungary visited the site on 14th March 2014 where 70% of the dredging and removal of excessive vegetation in the Nature Park “Jegrička” in the vicinity of Sirig had been finished. In addition to the project partners, the site was visited by the representatives of the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Temerin Municipality and local community of Sirig, as well as members of the Recreational Fishermen’s Association ’’Karaš’’ from Temerin and hunting and mountaineering association from Sirig.

Given that the biggest problems related to the water flow, accumulated sludge and water vegetation were at that section of the Jegrička watercourse, the representatives of the beneficiaries of the area: local authority of Temerin, local community of Sirig and a number of citizens’ associations, expressed their satisfaction because of the change in the field configuration after the completion of works and achievement of results within the eWAM project.

The stakeholders said they were ready to support further the revitalisation of the banks after the spreading of sludge had been completed. An agreement was made to finish the activities related to the setting of fishing spots, mobile facilities and afforestation until the end of the year. The attendees observed the return of pond turtles, an endangered and strictly protected species having been taken out together with the sludge from the riverbed and kept at the animal shelter of the Palić Zoo, into the Jegrička watercourse.