A conference on creation of joint projects and enhancement of intermunicipal cooperation held

The conference under the title “Creation of Joint Projects and Enhancement of Intermunicipal Cooperation in Border Areas” has been held at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina and it has been organised jointly by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Regional Development Agency Bаčkа. The aim of the conference was enhancement of cooperation and establishment of new partnerships in relation to the open calls for proposals under the currently open IPA cross-border cooperation programmes (Croatia – Serbia, Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina) and other ones which would be available in the forthcoming period. The first to address the attendees was Predrag Novikov, Director of European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, who explained the importance of active participation in EU programmes open to potential candidate countries, and especially to candidate countries for EU accession.

The Provincial Secretary for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality, Miroslav Vasin talked about the support of the relevant secretariat regarding European projects and enhancement of cooperation among institutions, whereas the Director of Regional Development Agency Bаčkа, Srđan Vezmar presented the legal framework of institutions in charge of implementing the policy of balanced regional development of AP Vojvodina, with special reference to municipalities of Vojvodina. A representative of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, Mina Radmilović held a presentation of IPA Cross-border Programme Croatia-Serbia, within which several project ideas were presented, with the aim of establishing partnerships among institutions in the region.