A training course on European projects

A training course on European projects was held at the Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad on 29-30 June 2017 aimed at the representatives of the Institute, Public Company “Vojvodinašume”, Faculty of Agriculture, Veterinary Chamber of Serbia and Scientific Institute of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination of Domestic Animals Temerin.

Sanja Čuturilov Veselinović and Jovana Rapajić, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, held the training and the participants were particularly interested in adapting existing project applications, so as to apply under some future EU programme. In particular, the project on immunization of pigs called “STOP KKS” of the Scientific Veterinary Institute Novi Sad was successfully implemented under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme with Croatia and the idea was to submit a similar project application in cooperation with the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina under the next call with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the two-day training course, four project ideas in the field of public health were developed. The participants were awarded certificates at the end of the training course.