Training course on project development at the Scientific Institute of Food Technology

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina held a three-day training course at the Scientific Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad (FINS), which is situated at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University of Novi Sad, on 12-14 December 2018.
The representatives of FINS obtained information about the novelties within the framework of the second cycle of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) for the 2014-2020 budget period. In addition to IPA, the participants learned about a number of EU programmes, which are funded from the common EU budget and available to the Republic of Serbia.
The practical part of the training course focused on developing the participants’ skills and attitudes so that they could formulate project proposals on their own, consider potential partner organizations, develop the project structure by means of the logical matrix, as well as the budget, while considering the constraints required by the EU regulations.
As a result, three project ideas relevant for the Institute were developed and they could be submitted as applications under some of the EU calls.