Training Course “EU Funding Opportunities” at EDUCONS University in Sremska Kamenica

The representatives of the European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina held the training course “EU Funding Opportunities” for the representatives of the EDUCONS University and “Ekološki projekt tim (Eco-Project Team)“ Citizens’ Association at the EDUCONS University in Sremska Kamenica from 13th to 15th April 2016.

During the three-day training course, the participants were informed about the opportunities for submitting applications for grants offered by the European programmes and funds to institutions in the Republic of Serbia and learned about the project development methodology. In the informative part, the presentation involved the cross-border cooperation programmes, above all, the Interreg IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020 and the Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020, as well as the EU programmes, with the focus on Erasmus+, the EU program covering education, training, youth and sport. The practical part of the training focused on the development of the participants’ positions and skills, so as to train them to develop project proposals on their own, think of potential partner organisations, develop the project structure through the logical framework, as well as the project budget, in accordance with the limits set by the EU regulations. As a result, four project ideas were designed, which could be submitted under some of the EU calls for proposals to be opened in the future.