A training course “EU Funding Opportunities“ for the employees of the Institute of Oncology of Vojvodina

At the request of the Institute for Oncology of Vojvodina, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, Jovana Kontić, Čarna Sokanović and Jano Puškar, held a three-day training course “EU Funding Opportunities” from 11th to 13th October. The aim of the training course was to build the capacities and provide support to the institution by teaching the employees how to develop project proposals independently in compliance with the EU rules, in order to improve their work, by means of a more efficient use of the financial support of the EU funds.

During the training course, the participants obtained information about the opportunities and methods for submitting applications for grants offered by the EU programmes and funds, with a special emphasis on the cross-border cooperation programmes available to institutions in AP Vojvodina.

After the theoretical part, the practical part of the training was dedicated to improving skills and attitudes of the participants in order to enable them to formulate project proposals independently, think about potential project partners, develop the project structure through the preparation of a logical matrix and project budget, considering the constraints determined by the European Union.

As a result of the exceptional interest and commitment of all participants for the theme of project funding, three project ideas were developed, which could be submitted under future calls.

After the training course, the participants were awarded a certificate on successful training completion.