Opening conference of the “OASIS” project

The opening conference of the ” Kistelek – Magyarkanizsa complementary touristic development based on natural resources as interconnected diverse elements of the regional touristic system – OASIS” project has been held in the grand hall of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina. The project is being implemented by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, Municipality of Kistelek, Municipality of Kanjiža and European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The project was granted funding under the Interreg – IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020 and the signing of the contract is underway. The European Union’s co-financing is EUR 499,000.81.

The welcoming speeches were delivered by Mihálj Nyilas, Deputy President of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary for Education, Regulations, Governments and National Minorities – National Communities, Dejan Vujinoviá, representative of the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia and program manager of the Antenna of the Joint Secretariat, Rusztem Zoltán Nagy PhD, notary public of Kistelek Municipality, Róbert Feisztamer, President of Kanjiža Municipality, Jánoš Domonics, Programme Coordinator of Kistelek Municipality, and Vidosava Enderić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The project was presented by Bojan Gregurić, Project Manager.
Mihálj Nyilas, Provincial Secretary, expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the Secretariat, which he was heading, applied for the first time and was granted an EU project as the Lead Beneficiary. “This project is most important because it is contributing to the strengthening of relations between people in Serbia and Hungary, especially in the border area, moreover, promoting culture and tourism in the Danube region and developing tourism and economy. In addition to the tourism component, this project is focusing on young people as one of our most important resources and engaging them in sports and educational activities that contribute to better project impact. In this way, the activities of the Provincial Secretariat aimed at organizing a camp to improve interethnic tolerance among young people next year will be IPA funded, which is an excellent preparation for the future use of EU structural funds”.
Vidosava Endericć, Director of the European Affairs Fund of the AP Vojvodina, expressed her satisfaction with the involvement of an increasing number of institutions in Vojvodina in EU co-funded projects.
The objective of the OASIS project is to develop health, youth and sports tourism in the border area municipalities of Kanjiža (Serbia) and Kistelek (Hungary). In the area of Kanjiža, it involves the revitalization of existing sports facilities, the construction of a multi-purpose sportsground and the organization of a summer camp for pupils of 16 secondary schools in Vojvodina. In the Hungarian municipality of Kistelek, it involves the construction of a medical counseling center with medical treatments.