“Open Doors” held at the Office for European Affairs

The Office for European Affairs has continued with its series of presentation on cross-border cooperation programmes, under the title “Open Doors”.

The presentation on the Cross-border Programme with Hungary was attended by the representatives of the following organizations: Iz kruga Vojvodina (Our of Circle, Vojvodina), Agencija za razvoj opštine Temerin (Temerin Municipality Development Agency), Gerontološki centar Novi Sad (Gerontology Centre “Novi Sad”), Izdavački zavod „Forum” (Forum Publishing House), Fond za razvoj kulture i stvaralaštva dece i omladine (Fund for the Development of Culture and Creativity of Children and Youth), Asocijacija gitarista Vojvodine (Vojvodina Guitarist Association), JKP „Čistoća” Novi Sad (Public Utility Company “Čistoća” Novi Sad), Municipality of Bačka Palanka, Udruženje organske proizvodnje (Organic Production Association), the daily “Magyar Szó”, JP „Zavod za izgradnju grada” (Public Enterprise for City Construction and Development), Ciklonizacija DOO, etc. Bearing in mind the fact that institutions and organisations in our Province are most interested in the Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Programme, financed through the European Union, the Office for European Affairs of the Executive Council of Vojvodina is going to organise similar activities in the future as well. The next promotion of the Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Programme will be held at the Office premises on Friday, 23 October, at 10 am.