The first session in a series of training courses aimed at employees of educational institutions in AP Vojvodina to develop successful EU projects held

In cooperation with the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodi

In cooperation with the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina have held the first session in a series of training courses ‘’EU Funds-from idea to realization’’ aimed at the representatives of educational institutions in AP Vojvodina. The training course was held at the premises of Regional Centre for Professional Development of Employees in Education in Kanjiža, and 9 institutions from the territory of Kanjiža, Čoka and Senta showed interest in participating in the training course.

During the three-day intensive course, involving lectures and workshops, the attendees could obtain detailed information on the methodology of EU project development in accordance with the principle of the logical framework, as one of the starting bases in project development, as well as expand their knowledge on the subject. The attendees were presented the IPA programmes available to Banat and the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport – Erasmus+. Moreover, the attendees could participate actively in the work and shape their project ideas according to the given guidelines. As the result of the three-day work, with the assistance of the representatives of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities, 4 project ideas were created in accordance with the priorities of educational institutions and EU programmes, with reference to the enrichment of extracurricular contents for pupils and their inclusion in actions on the protection of the environment and plant and animal species in their local communities. All project ideas were based on the employment of local resources.

The press conference by Mr. Siniša Lazić, Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Mr. Mihály Nyilas, Vice-president of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities marked the beginning of the comprehensive action in education. The training courses were to include over 270 participants from 106 institutions involving nine municipalities in Vojvodina until the end of the Academic Year 2014/2015. The next training course was to take place in Sremska Mitrovica.