A summer sports camp for girls in Szentes held within the “ActiveGirls” project

Within the framework of the “Support sport and physical activity of girls – ActiveGirls” project, the partners from Hungary, Szentes Municipality hosted girls and their accompanying persons, teachers of physical education so that they could participate in a sports summer camp from 1 to 5 July 2019. The camp brought together girls from Szeged, Senta and the municipalities of Mali Iđoš, Čoka, Apatin, Vrbas, Novi Kneževac and Odžaci. The sports summer camp for girls aged 12 years lasted for 5 days and promoted various sporting activities among girls to acquaint them with healthy lifestyle.

On the first day, the girls met each other, they were informed about the program of the camp and went sightseeing in Szentes, where they would spend 5 days. On the first day they also had free time, which they spent in the pool complex where they were accommodated.

The second day was held in a sports hall where the girls tried out doing different sports. They had a joint training session when they could show their previous knowledge and experience in playing basketball. They also had the opportunity to learn fencing and kung fu techniques.  After the outwearing sports, the girls relaxed dancing and swimming. The swimming instructor tried to show the girls the techniques of breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle and butterfly.

The third day was spent canoeing on the local channel. The girls in favour of adventure were able to spend some time in the amusement park where they could go down to the zip line and enjoy free climbing along with their accompanying persons.

The girls spent the fourth day doing morning yoga. After yoga, the girls from Vojvodina tried out a new sport – floorball, and they were most excited about it. Then they went out on the field to try out rugby.

On the fifth, i.e. last day, they had free time at the swimming pool where they enjoyed swimming.