First part of training course on European funds aimed at employees of PWMC ˝Vode Vojvodine“ held

Last week the first part of training course on European funds under the title ”Funding Opportunities through EU Funds“ was held. It was organised by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and the target group was employees of PWMC ˝Vode Vojvodine“ in Novi Sad. Within interactive workshops, the participants could obtain information on the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes available to institutions in the territory of AP Vojvodina and project cycle management, i.e. key topics of importance for project development.

At the moment, the participants are working individually and if they need assistance or advice, they can address the employees of the Fund, who are at their disposal. After the training courses finishes, the participants will be able to turn a project idea into a project proposal satisfying EU requirements, develop a logical matrix, develop a project budget applying EU methodology, create concrete project proposals in accordance with the rules of functioning and financing from pre-accessions funds, submit applications for funding under CBC programmes, and thus enhance the development of their community through EU funds. The second part of the training course will be held at the premises of PWMC ˝Vode Vojvodine“ from 27 to 29 February, when the participants will be informed about project budgeting, evaluation principles, registration in the PADOR database and additional documentation necessary when submitting applications for EU funds.