The first joint project team meeting within the “Ecological water management against extreme weather conditions in the border area-ECOWAM”

The first meeting of the project team members within the “Ecological Water Management against Extreme Weather Conditions in the Borders Region – ECOWAM” project was held in Novi Sad on 20 December 2017. It was organized by the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.

During the meeting, the members of the project team discussed the implemented activities in the first reporting period, as well as the upcoming activities in the following reporting period. On the following day, on 21 December 2017, there was a field visit to the sites of the Jegrička River near Temerin and Sirig, at the sections where the dredging was planned to take place, where the excess vegetation from the riverbed would be removed and where the inspection and walking path would be constructed. An agreement was made to hold the following project team meeting in Szeged in January.