The first international meeting within the Power project in Ravenna

The first international meeting of project partners within the framework of the EU-funded project – POWER was held in Ravenna on 22-23 February 2018. The European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina is one of the partners of the “Ports as driving Wheels for Entrepreneurial Realm-PoWER” project, which is co-financed by the European Union under the Interreg ADRION Programme. The project started being implemented on 1 January 2018, and will last until 31 December 2019. Its objective is to analyse the energy requirements and needs of ports in the region covered by the ADRION Programme and to enhance their innovative development.
In addition to the Fund, the project partners are: National Research Council Construction Technologies Institute of Milan (Italy), CNA Ravenna of Ravenna (Italy), Rijeka Development Agency Porin of Rijeka (Croatia), Center for Technology and Economic and Environmental Development Sarajevo (B&H), City of Durrës (Albania), Cooperation and Development Institute of Tirana (Albania), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas of Thessaloniki (Greece), Chamber of Thesprotia of Igoumenitsa (Greece).
The first meeting gathered the partners to agree about the project work plan, structure, work packages, deadlines and obligations per partner. After Marco Padula, on behalf of the Lead Beneficiary, presented the project and his organisation, the other partners also presented their organisations and their roles. The Work Package 1 “Mapping the Needs for Energy Efficiency” was presented by Vedad Suljić, Center for Technology and Economic and Environmental Development Sarajevo. Maria Rosa Bordini, on behalf of the Lead Beneficiary, presented the Work Package 2 “Entrepreneurial Games“, and Fotis Stergiopoulos presented the Work Package 3 “Scenario Development“.
Following that ensued the presentation on pilot ports selected to participate in the project: Ravenna, Bari, Igoumenitsa, Durrës, Brčko and Rijeka. Finally, the project partners were informed about the guidelines for reporting and communication.
The following international meeting of project team members is planned to take place in Durrës (Albania) in June 2018.