A working meeting held in the municipality of Opovo

In order to collect information about the problems and challenges in the municipalities of Vojvodina, and offer professional support in accessing funds necessary to solve the problems, the team of the European Affairs Fund comprised of Milan Čežek, Zoran Pavić, Nemanja Davidović and Jelena Radosavljević Rovčanin have visited the municipality of Opovo.

A constructive meeting was held with Miloš Markov, vice president, during which the basic strategic priorities of that municipality of Banat were defined. In that municipality as well, ecological problems were on a daily basis, first of all, wastewater treatment, i.e. the necessity of installing a purifier. Some of the plans that could be financed from the available EU funds under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programmes were related to the construction of a bicycle path and a sports hall, the opening of a museum, etc.