A symposium within the CORNUCOPIA project

Within the “Competitive sustainability of agricultural enterprises through the development of new products with added value based on alternative plant species – Cornucopia” project, co-financed by European funds under the Interreg IPA Cross-border Program Hungary-Serbia 2014-2020, the symposium “Alternative plants – the new brand of the cross-border region” was held on 20 – 21 February 2019. This time, it was a workshop for young researchers, as well as their exchange.

During the first day, there was a symposium at which the results of research and ideas related to the cultivation and processing of alternative plants with the aim of presenting opportunities for the production of new innovative products. The participants were informed about the research related to the options for processing and cultivation on the following topics: Growing of pepper, spelt- conventional and organic farming, Hemp – plant of the past and the future, Pea seed production, Experience in the production of legumes, Advantages of combined cultivation, Water balance in the soil, Process of osmotic dehydration, Creation of healthy nutrition on the basis of alternative plants. The potential for product branding product was also presented.

The second part of the day was dedicated to the exchange of researchers in the cross-border region with the aim of exchanging information and research results in the cross-border region. Young researchers will work together with students in the cross-border region to define ideas for new innovative products and services. A workshop for young researchers was also organized to allow researchers to share information, research results and experiences related to the cultivation and processing of alternative plants. Therefore, during the second day of the workshop, young researchers had the opportunity to visit the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, the Department for Alternative Cultures in Bački Petrovac.

A project with a total value of EUR 352,798 does not only have a scientific-research dimension, but it should also give an incentive for agricultural producers to consider a healthier, economically viable, organic agricultural production of alternative plant species. The project duration is for 24 months, it started being implemented on 1 April 1 2018 and will last until 31 March 31 2020. The European Union is co-financing 85% of the total value.