Round table on the Joint Protocol on Preparedness for Epidemics of MBD in Osijek

Within the framework of the round table, at which the Joint Protocol on Preparedness for Epidemics of Mosquito-Borne Diseases (MBD) was presented, and which was held in Osijek on 27 May 2019, Magdalena Sikora, member of the Mos-Cross project team, professor of biology and chemistry, held a presentation on the Mos-Cross project and presented the guidelines for the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases (MBD). Senka Samardžić, Docent Primarius PhD, spoke about the public health significance of the spread invasive mosquito species.
Tomislav Dijanić PhD, epidemiologist, spoke about the epidemiology of most important vector diseases caused by mosquitoes. A presentation on the structure, biological properties and diagnostics of Zika virus and other arbovirus infections was held by Snježana Loci-Zvocak MD. The Joint Protocol on Preparedness for Epidemics of MBD was presented to the participants and the project promotional material was distributed. The joint protocol was developed within the framework of the “Mosquito Control in Cross-border Area” project, co-financed by the EU under the Interreg IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia. The round table was attended by the Mos-Cross project team members.