Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce in Brussels Meetings with economic associations and the European Commission

Last week, the delegation of the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce (VCC), led by Jovan Vujičić, Secretary General, paid a two-day working visit to Brussels. On the first day of the visit, the delegation met with Ludovico Monforte, representative of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, at the representative office of the Italian region of Lombardy, where the opportunities for cooperation and joint EU projects were discussed. Another topic of discussion was the possibility for the AP Vojvodina to join the Regal network, which brings together autochthonous food producers, and where the VCC would be one of the holders of activities on our side.
At the meeting held at the Vojvodina European Office in Brussels, the representatives of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce shared their previous experience and activities in the pre-accession period, especially regarding the issue of intensification of economic activities in the EU integration process. The representatives of both chambers of commerce emphasized the successful mutual cooperation and the utilization of CBC funds.
The VCC delegation also visited the conference of Belgian exporters, organized by the City of Brussels, where the discussion touched upon potential economic missions through which the VCC would allow its members to visit different businessmen in Belgium in order to create conditions for potential cooperation. The economic representative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Belgrade welcomed particularly the VCC delegation. The last meeting on the first day was with Koen de Ridder, representative of the Union of Flemish entrepreneurs, with whom concrete possibilities of increasing the commodity exchange between the two regions, AP Vojvodina and Flanders, were discussed.
The visits on the second day involved meetings with the representatives of the European Commission, i.e. the Directorate-General for Enlargement (DG NEAR) and Directorate-General for Entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises (DG GROW). The meetings were used to inform the EU representatives about the business environment in AP Vojvodina and ongoing topics, especially in order to provide information to the European Commission for the progress report. Moreover, within the framework of DG GROW, the development projects of VCC were presented, when the representatives of the European Commission informed the VCC representatives about the available instruments at the moment. Morveover, the discussion involved the development of the H 2020 and Cosme within the proposed Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027.