The Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina Aleksandar Simurdić hosted the Ambassador of Italy to Serbia Mr. Luca Gori, which was an opportunity to discuss topics of common interest with the aim of strengthening bilateral relations between subjects from the territory of AP Vojvodina and Italy.
On that occasion, the director of the Fund presented the Fund’s current activities with a special focus on cooperation with local self-government units, which aim to contribute to the better use of local capacities for the absorption of funds through external sources of financing. Systematic local approach includes mapping the state of cities and municipalities on the territory of AP Vojvodina, planned strengthening of administrative and institutional capacities with the aim of more efficient administration in the service of citizens, as well as preparation and implementation of projects financed from external funding sources, as its integral program part.
In addition to the above, the focus of future cooperation will be the strengthening of bilateral relations between economic entities operating in the field of agriculture and environmental protection in order to contribute to the strengthening of economic ties. Also, information technologies, water management, digitization and improvement of energy efficiency are recognized as areas of key importance for future cooperation between Italy and the Republic of Serbia. It is very important to prepare institutions, organizations, as well as the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises to make maximum use of external sources of financing, all in order to promote the local and regional development of AP Vojvodina.