Inspection of channel dredging in Hungary

Within the project “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas“, having resulted from the partnership among the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, PWMC “Vode Vojvodine“ Novi Sad

Within the project “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas“, having resulted from the partnership among the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, PWMC “Vode Vojvodine“ Novi Sad and ATI-VIZIG from Hungary, the partners from Serbia have visited Szeged. The aim of the visit was to present the planned activities related to the dredging of the Kurca channel, as well as examples of best practice from other projects. During the two-day visit, the partners visited the sections of the Kurca channel in Szentes, where the works were competed and where they were still ongoing, as well as the section of the embankment in Csongrád, as an example of a successfully completed project. The activities related to the dredging of the Kurca channel planned by the eWAM project have been completed and they cover a length of 2893 m in total.

During the visit, all partners, as well as contractors attended the technical handover of works on the dredging of the Kurca channel. The project “Environmentally friendly water management in plane areas“ has been funded under the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and it lasts until 31st July 2014.