Second Regional Business Forum

The opening ceremony of the Second Regional Business Forum, which was organized by the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Assembly of European Regions (AER), in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina, Vojvodina Development Agency, Novi Sad Fair and European Entrepreneurship Network, with the support of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, was held at the Novi Sad Fair on 1 October and it will last until 4th October.

The Vice-president of the Provincial Government Djordje Milicević said at the opening ceremony of the Regional Business Forum that regional economic integration provided for long-term, stable and sustainable growth of our economies.

“Bearing in mind that our economies are largely export-oriented, we need market integration and mutual cooperation,” said Vice-president Milicević, emphasizing that the role of those performing public and political functions was to create a framework in which closer cooperation would be possible and given an incentive.

“We have recognized this concept as good – above all the concept of interregional cooperation, where the work of the Assembly of European Regions takes a concrete form,” said Vice-president Milicević, adding that the aim was to further stimulate economic and economic development through such forms of cooperation.

The Vice-president of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina Damir Zobenica said that the Regional Business Forum was launched last year at the initiative of the Assembly of European Regions, as a parallel event to the plenary session of the AER Committee, held at the Assembly of Vojvodina.

He indicated that this was a unique concept in Serbia, which allowed companies from the region and from four continents to try to ensure business for their companies through B2B meetings for free.

The Director General of the Food and Fisheries Directorate of the Ministry for Agriculture,  Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia Bojan Pahor PhD said that Serbia and AP Vojvodina were actively working on intensifying economic relations and that one of the steps in that direction was the fact that Slovenia was the partner of this year’s RBF.

Among the speakers at the opening ceremony were also Boško Vučurević, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina and Radimir ČaČić, member of the Executive Board of the Assembly of European Regions and Mayor of Varaždin County.