A five-day seminar on EU projects for the representatives of trade unions has started

“Prospects and Chances of EU Projects” is the title of the educational seminar which is being held today and which has been organised by the European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina and Autonomous Trade Union of Novi Sad and municipalities. The training course, which lasts five days, includes the complete procedure of information dissemination, preparation and writing of EU funded projects. Furthermore, the manner of functioning of projects during evaluation, funding and implementation phases is also being presented to course participants.

“The preparation and submission of project proposals under EU programmes is a chance and challenge brought by the integration processes. The future of funding our priorities lies in the project approach which requires resources and people who are ready for challenges, neighbourhood partnerships and team work, who speak English well and who are familiar with the procedures of project cycle management. It is necessary to enable our institutions to handle the challenges ahead us, as well as to use all the opportunities that European development programmes offer. At the moment, our country has at its disposal EUR 200 mil. annually under IPA, through institutional development and CBC programmes. When we become an EU candidate country, we may count on more substantial financial support”, said Andrija Aleksić, head of European Fund Department of European Affairs Fund-AP Vojvodina, while opening the seminar.